Shipping Policy
Purchases are shipped from our respective warehouse by reputed logistics service providers. Please allow following number of days for delivery from receipt of your order.
- Domestic orders – All domestic orders are processed within 1 business day (except for Public Holidays & Sundays). You can expect delivery of the order within 3-5 business days
- For International orders – All International orders are processed within 1 business day (except for Public Holidays & Sundays). You can expect delivery of the order within 7-10 business days. We are shipping to all regions except EU, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Turkey, Lebanon, Pakistan, Ukraine, Israel & China.
- We offer free international shipping for all orders of value 100 USD and above. For orders of less than 100 USD, there is a flat shipping charge of 20 USD.
Custom charges and handling rates if applicable, will be shared at the time of delivery by the logistics service provider. Please find below the terms and conditions pertaining to Custom and Handling charges -
- Your shipment could be subject to Customs Duty Charge / Import Duty / Other applicable government taxes on arrival in the destination country.
- Check the tentative Customs Duty Charge / Import Duty / Other applicable government taxes on the respective government portals.
- These charges will have to be borne by the customer. Kama Ayurveda is not liable to pay them under any circumstances.
- The shipping charges mentioned in the total order value does not include these charges.
- If the customer refuses to pay the liable shipment custom charges upon its arrival in the destination country the brand will deduct complete shipping and return duty charges from the customer order value while processing the refund.
- ORDER DELIVERIES WILL BE MADE BETWEEN 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM Monday – Saturday. Excluding public holidays
- Goods will need to be signed for upon delivery. If you cannot be there to sign for your delivery please suggest an alternative i.e. a family member, colleague, neighbour, etc. However Kama Ayurveda takes no responsibility for goods signed by an alternative person